Friday, April 30, 2010

upu's result

Posted by rosmamustafa at 9:33 PM 0 comments

LINK untuk check UPU's result
but now memag jem lah
semua nak check kan
so now memang nervous
malam ni akan tahu SAD or HAPPY ending
ya allah, ya tuhanku
tenangkanlah hatiku dengan pilihan kau
walaupun aku tak dapat asasi
ameen :)

tolong lah, saya benci okay

Posted by rosmamustafa at 7:10 PM 0 comments

macam mana lah orang boleh drive tanpa kasut or selipar ek?! tadi dari kampung nak balik rumah, ayah cakap drive lah kan. so, okay, bila nak jalan je, rase debaa sikit. then time nak gerak, terlepas clutch banyak, kete pon apa lagi. err..i call it 'jetak' sikit ko jalan and mapuh! :) ayah cakap, dah dah, bahaya ni. toksah bawak la gitu. wooooooooooooo sedihnya. ore tak sihat je, kaki pon licin je tadi, thats why gitu. plus tadi tak pakai kasot pon. im sssooooooooooo sad. urghh! baru je plan nak pergi beli barang dengan mak nanti. nok drive jugok..sedih molek sero. P memang ade dalam purse jela, usung P tu ke sana and ke mari dalam purse!
btw, akibat tabiat makan yang bercelaru, rosmahaslin telah disahkan mengidap GASTRIK! ambik kau. tak penah hayat dapat penyakit tu, now tetibe kena kan. malang malang. semalam dalam pukul 2 lebih 'diserang' sampai tak boleh tido. perot ni memulas je. macam kena pisau gamaknye. golek ke kanan dan ke kiri katil :(
pagi ni diserang morning sickness pulak! ouchhhhh..*gaya macam pergnant* BHAHAHAHA 3x ulang alik pergi toilet, meleleh air mata, sedih sedih. nokk sihat balik argh! sampai kat kampung, nenek urut dengan minyak panas. aduiiii....minyak tu memang amat amat panas ahh. sebabnye rosma pergi tuang banyak atas perot, sape suh! tak pasal pasal kibas dengan tudung periuk hehehe macam kena bakar rasenya kulit ni. corrode tak erk?! *nonsense ;p so;

jagalah kesihatan. jangan makan benda mengarut and berdiet !

Thursday, April 29, 2010

sesi 'bermanje'

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:57 PM 0 comments
now memang kena tido awal. golek golek atas katil selama mungkin, dah tak lama nak peluk bantal busyukk cium selimut masyamm and berlagak immature! huh! tak lama lagi akan face dunia baru dah. kena start study balik. no more goyang kaki kat rumah. no more have fun. well, actually memang dah cukup fun selama berbulan bulan okay. sedar sikit ;p bersedia rosma ye, result UPU pon dah nak tahu, which means, my last hope. takut cuak tak payah cakap la. dah dah dah. tak nak pikir. wuuuuuuuuuuuu lepak kat rumah je. makan segala jenis makanan la sampai kembong perot. adess,,,cannot sleep. plan tido awal, kol 10 lagi nak tido but mate tak dapat pejam. so pergi luar, ngadu kat mak hehehhehe time tu mak tengok forum perdana, so ore pon apa lagi, teros lentok atas riba mak. cakap perot sakit :( mak pon urut dengan minyak *hee okay, amat geli, bukan sakit but tak tahan geli hahahaha mak cakap, kite ni pompuan jangan minum minumas b'ais banyak sangat, nanti urat perot bengkak and keras. tak lawa laa. nati orang kate buncit. tak mau kan?! ;p okay, sungguh tokseyy gitu des. tapi minum sokmo jugok ahhahaha dah lame tak tido atas riba mak, rindu ehh nati. tok ley nok manjo dos la. kalu deme ko sakit, tadop ore nok carow ;'(

kisah cinta

Posted by rosmamustafa at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Lovestory yang sweet and semua orang nak :) ADAMAYA

tapi kite kena sedar, hakikat tak gitu. realiti bukan gitu laa. sape yang couple akan tahu and faham. how lucky maya, ade someone yang sayang dia, i mean adam. not the physco, dani. today a bit shocked, two of my schoolmates clash. tu yang tahu laa. i guess dorang suit each other, sweet je tengok. but in the end, jadi macam tu. people change (: same goes to their feeling, that is the conclusion of puppy love. hope mine tak jadi gitu. i dont care now puppy love ke ape, just harap kekal. but tak tahu bertahan sampai bila, maybe nanti bila masing masing dah belajar balik, our love will not be same anymore :)

pasir putih kelantan

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:47 AM 0 comments
pasir putih tu kampung abah, actually kalau nak kire suka balik kampung mak lagi dari kampung abah huhu tak tahu kenape, maybe sebab rapat dengan fam belah mak kott. papehal pon, semua fam, so tak pilih kasih okay ;) okay, otw balik pasir putih, time tu dah senja lah, rase macam lawa je view, tenang je tengok, so apa lagi, teros snap pic thru car's window, yela, takkan nak bukak tingkap time maghrib kan. jomm tengok hasilnya (:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

jalan jalan jolly

Posted by rosmamustafa at 6:20 PM 0 comments
arghhh. best kan kan duit banyak beli je pape yang nak tak kisah kena budget duit hitung dulu hati hati bila spend duit. semua masalah tu tade kalau duit banyak! $$$$$$$$$$ ;p hahahaha materialistik pompuan ni. tadela ade pro and con kan kaya ke tak. sometimes orang kaya tak bahagia pon and selalu sakit. kanser diabetes darah tinggi and banyak lagi. so ape gune duit macam gunung sekalipon kan. btw, tadi berderak kejap. pergi Book Fair kat Dewan Jubli Perak pastu pergi KBmall *well, mall kat kelantan yang tersohor tak lain tak bukan situ jela* :) window shopping jap.....but tak lama ah, berkenan baju. tape, tahan lagi nafsu tu, jalan jalan jalan lagi. then time nak balik cannot  maaaaaaaa. kena beli jugak ni, actually berkenan 2, tapiiiiiiiii....duit tak cukup wooohhhhhhhhhhhh..beli 1 jela dulu untuk masa ni. kang kemponan hahahaha pasal baju kemponan, tak patut! okay, since bangun solat subuh pastu memang tak tido, balik tadi around 2 lebih lebih, so for sure lah kan penat. till tertido atas bas. syookkkk ;p now, dah segar bugar balik sebab dah top up tido 2 jam pulak kat rumah, and know what, sakit bahu dah semakin hilang HOORAYYYY *sebab kena mood dapat beli baju kot* ;p ohh ye, tadi beli 2 buku je kat book fair. but berguna amat, i loikee the book sooo much. photos akan diupload sebentar lagi

PS; ADAMAYA dah nak start . suke . suke . addicted =)

Monday, April 26, 2010

lengan tercabut . OPSSIE

Posted by rosmamustafa at 7:21 PM 0 comments
erk NO NO . gurau je okay . mintak dijauhkan . just nak cakap lengan memang sakit and kebas , sampai rasa betol betol nak tercabut . AIYAKSSS :(

today pepagi lagi dah menjejakkan kaki ke HUSM , well , bukan for kerja lah kan but bosan gilak ouh duduk rumah sengsorang , since kex dah habis and P sudah dapat , so dah tade keje . JOBLESS and penganggur terhormat sudah . so ikot jela mak pergi keje kan .  bila sampai sane tu  jalan jalan kejap kat bawah and pergi farmasi ambik stok ubat diabetes abah *ohh ye , rosma memang da hafal jalan kat usm tu :) * then pergi bayar bil air , bil elektrik kat post office , ade cawangan dalam usm jugak . pastu around 11 jalan keluar pergi mydin mall . actually malas gilaa la nak jalan time hujan kan . dah la lebat . non stop pulak . if drive senang , ni jalan with pink umbrella lagi . ouch ! hahahha selamba je jalan tengah jalan . dah tak kisah ade kete lalu ke hape . hello ! dorang dengan kete senang la , tak basah , so ape kate dorang yang bagi laluan kepada yang kecik kan . ni main speed je , habis lopak air kena orang . isk isk . TAK BERTAMADUN .TUHAN BAGI MATE TENGOK LAA . *okay, done ngepeks hehehe* pergi mydin pon sebab nak cari bahan actually . bosan gila duk umah so rase nak masak . dah buat list siap barang barang . duit bawak around 90 *mak bagi 50 je , 40 lagi duit sendiri...sayangnye nak beli barang dapo guna duit sendiri ;p * ohh this time siap ambik troli , saje nak ngadee kan , padahal barang tadelah penuh , just benda yang beli tu berat , tin saje dah 4 tin , coctail yang besar lagi , and bla bla bla . sakit tangan woo nak heret bakul die . pusing punye pusing ,  after 1 hour and 15 minutes , DONE . 50 jugak melayang :) ade 2 plastik besar and amat amat berat . trust me . i was.......OMG , macam mana nak bawak balik ni . hujan lebat wooo . and jalan kaki?! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa berat sangat des ! mahu tak mahu terpakse bimbit jugak . bukak payung , and redah je hujan . okay , time tu memang tak ley imagine muke. seronyeh and hudus gilaa . macam mak cik jual etoks hahahaha akibat tak tahan berat sangat bimbit 2 plastik tu kat tangan tangan *ermm, tangan kiri pegang payung :(* rosma pon stop kat nasi kak wok punye cawangan , lipat payung , letak dalam beg . hah , ambik kau , now sebelah tangan bimbit satu plastik . baru adil kan :) :) then redah je hujan tuh . dont care ahh basah pon . demam ke hape . letih suda . tangan merah pink . kebas . pastu singgah bank islam kejap , tolong ambik nombor kat mak , well now dah dapat gaji kan $$$$$$$ *bolee la nak mintak nanti hehe* then jalan balik usm. sampai je kat bilik, kesan membimbit barangan yang berat ; tangan terketar ketar and till now , bahu kanan lenguh . dah pusing pusing sikit but still macam gitu ;'( tulaaaaaa, mak ni . harap je ore dapat P , tapi still tak bagi drive waaaaaaaa im sssssssoooooooo sad

Sunday, April 25, 2010

mimpi semalam

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:51 AM 0 comments
akibat terlalu sedih tak dapat interview maktab, after nages nages tu, tertifo la kan. and aku ade mimpi! mimpiku menjadi kenyataan. aku mimpi syakirah hasan basri dapat interview maktab, and siap tempat interview sekali aku mimpi :) and bila check, memang betol. kenyaataan kirah dapat tuu. 'masin' mimpi aku. but tu yang orang lain punye la kan. yang aku sendiri tak dapat ;'(

Cikgu Rosma?

Posted by rosmamustafa at 3:24 AM 0 comments
Harap maaf. Nama anda tiada dalam senarai panggilan 
temuduga  KPLSPM Ambilan Jun 2010

rosmahaslin as teacher?? ANGAN ANGAN

well, nak rasa ape? for sure sedih gilaa. before nak check, dah tenangkan hati dengan selawat, but bila dapat mesej macam tu. okay. amat amat amat sedih, dah tak boleh control. nages jela sorang sorang. SOBSX. dah tade rezeki nak jadi teacher. interview pon tak layak. angan angan je lebih. sedihnya ya allah. kau berilah aku peluang dalam UPU, tu je satu satunya harapan aku now. hope aku dapat UIA. ameen

ps; belakang badan dah mula gatal gatal and merah. ni mesti sebab main pasir tadi :'(

24 April 2010

Posted by rosmamustafa at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Majlis Anugerah Sinar Wawasan
dirasmikan oleh Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran (Sektor Operasi Pendidikan)
Yang Berbahagia Dato' Hajah Noor Rezan Bt Bapoo Hashim
penganugerahan kepada pelajar PMR, SPM and STPM :)
best dapat jumpa cikgu and schoolmates tersayang
dapat rasa jamuan cikgu buat *gulai best!
Congrats zainabians!

and and and today adalah Girlfriend's Day! OUCH * kinda lesbos bhahahaha habiskan masa dengan girl and woman je. if dekat school, borak dengan kengkawan and mak kawan. tanya anak dorang pergi study mana and bila pergi bbq yang kex at perdana resort, again..habiskan dengan zainabians. bergumbira main air dengan kot, kain duyung ku. aiyaks. dorang cakap, mak mak datin datang ;)  

Saturday, April 24, 2010

goodnite :)

Posted by rosmamustafa at 2:13 AM 0 comments
tidoooo rosma. esok nak pergi Anugerah Sinar Wawasan, eh eh kejap lagi kan, pukul 8 dah kena ade kat ZS. PERGI AMBIK GLUE je kalau tak ley tutup sangat. aiyaks :( UNSTABLE EMOTION

tepung pelita

Posted by rosmamustafa at 1:26 AM 0 comments
hello jumaat! yea yea, ni dah masuk sabtu kan. tahu lah adess. every friday selalunya balik kampung. kalau tak balik pasir putih, balik rantau panjang lah. gilir gilir gitu. datok and nenek pon ade lagi kan, so kena la balik tengok dorang. lagipun kampung dalam kelantan jugak, bukan jauh pon. so, sesape perantau tu sila balik jengok parents or family ye. dorang mesti happy! I MY FAMILY :) but today, rosma tak rase lah nak gerak mana mana. stick kat rumah je. pagi bangun re check notes, books time SPM dulu. ya allah, punyelah banyak, but result? still teruk. awwwwww sorry mak :( dah siap masukkan semua dalam plastik and pergi buang. TATA MY DEAR. then tolong tengok mak buat kurung, rupenya today tak balik kampung sebab mak nak siapkan kurung. sebab rosma tak pandai jahit and mak tak bagi rosakkan baju, so tolong tengok jela hehehhe bosannnnnnnn..on tv, until parents ajak keluar pon tak mahu. rasa nak stick kat rumah selama mungkin! if tak dapat asasi, 10th may tu dah tido hostel Kolej Mara Kulim. arghhhhhhhhh! rindunya nak tido kat rumah. so jangan buang masa, rehat la puas puas ye rosma. dah tak lama, yess, cuak gila babe. takutt. today time dinner baru makan nasi, adess. lapar sungguh, kebulur di rumah sendiri. tulaa, siapa suruh tak makan ha?! perangai pelik, abah sound suruh makan pon tak makan >.< sedih nak tinggal mak abah la :( tade selera. cukup la dengan lunch satu tupperware milo ais tabur! amik kau, tak nak makan ye hehehe milo ais kaw punye. bersudu sudu letak milo and tabur lagi...pembaziran milo ahh lunch tadi, nasib baik minum sampai habis. hehehehehe then makan tepung pelita. auwww! dah lama tak makan kuih tradisional ini. sangat sedap. menjilat sudu ahh okay. sape tak makan, die yang 'DARAT'. kuih melayu tak makan, agungkan sangat westernfood tu. isk isk melayu mudah lupe. tak jadi mat salleh nye setakat makan MCD, KFC, PIZZA. harap maklum *opssie, jangan terasa. tak tuju kat awak* =)

dua sesi makan tepung pelita, siang and malam. total rosma makan 12 ;)

first five yang dimakan sebelah pagi as breakfast :)
part two makan, another seven, atter habis mr bean

TARAAA! habis semua tujuh. but bila masuk tiga akhir memang muakk =)

F E V E R E T song rite now; Try sleeping with a broken heart 

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Posted by rosmamustafa at 9:13 PM 0 comments
kemaruk dengan cite ni. AIYAKS
tape tape. enjoy dulu ye
dah berapa hari nak pergi
nak online and tengok tv puas puas
lepas ni kena focus study 
sedihnya nak tinggal kelantan
nak hirup udara sini *chewwah!
bajet gila pergi jauh
padahal dalam negara je ;p
adam sooooooo sweet and gentleman
maya sungguh cantik and lucky
amani amat cute (:
sarah padan dengan shahrom 
mika macam blur jekk >.<
kecian kat jazmin lahh. adesss
dani sakit mental and dayus wooo *takutt

Ingatan bersama;
Kecantikan yang abadi terletak pada keelokkan adab dan ketinggian ilmu seseorang, bukan terletak pada wajah dan pakaiannya (:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

kurung yang ayu

Posted by rosmamustafa at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Ni kain yang akan dibuat kurung. kenape mengape? untuk pakai kat matriks. ouch malang malang. dah la koleksi kurung sikit, bape pasang je. time raya jela buat kurung an. now kena pakai kurung time kuliah. ades. nanti semua akan tengok la dalam sebulan tu rosma ulang bape kali baju yang sama hahahhaa its okay. tok seko jugak kan kena pergi matriks. pehal upu lambat sangat ni. huwaaaa :( ma, sila cepat cepat siapkan baju yah. SOBSX

 nak jahit mak tak bagi, so tolong tengok jela :)
original muke yang sangat udus, i KNOW haha

ciikuuuuu caaaaaaakk! tompok putih itu adalah ubat jerawat ye
teruk la muke now. udus udus udus. cepat la hilang pimples oii :(

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

tak nak tinggal kelantan

Posted by rosmamustafa at 4:12 PM 0 comments
ohh. letih dengan keadan. dah tak nak kisah pape. malas malas malas. dah tak nak melayan perasaan. im happy dapat jumpa you tadi kat bank. tak sangka :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

favourite story

Posted by rosmamustafa at 5:30 PM 0 comments
rosma gila tv now. hehehe pantang bukak tv mesti ade je story nak ditengok. dulu tak pon. and now suka sangat bergayut fon. maunya berjam jam. and and and bukan handphone but fon rumah, dah la call handphone. ouch! melambung tinggi bill nanti, i bet. then kena la pot pet kejap dengan mak, but time tu rosma dah ade idea nak elak. maaaaa, ore nak g ngaji dos. biarlah nok lepah rindu ko saim saim prabih hahaha bagus punye alasan ;)

hot story yang nak tengok now;
1. ADAM MAYA; iklan je penah tengok. selalu miss sebab tido petang isk isk :p 
2. ASMARADANA; dah lama tak follow, sebab berebut tv dengan abah.arghhhh! =)

Adam Maya
lisa and hubby dalam story ni memang sama padan ;)

gila handsome iqram and cantiknya tiz

bestie VS boyfie

Posted by rosmamustafa at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant

CLEAR right? now tension gila laa. serius. not kidiing. tetibe ttm, teman tapi mesra, also known bestie nak putuskan our friendship. tak faham the main reason. buat ade kaitan lah kut dengan couple thingy ni. why bestie? tak penah pon lyn replace you with anyone okay. but sometimes tak semua benda lyn nak share. kadang kadang segan la jugak sebab kita different gender kan. lyn girl you boy. so, a bit complicated. bukannya tak nak story pape. or just ignore you. if time nak hangout memang ajak kan. kalau senyap tak mesej biasalah. you pon tak mesej jugak. but lyn try call you borak. but lately macam susah la, dah tak reti nak borak dengan you. sebab you pon secretive. tak kan la tunggu lyn tanya dulu baru nak cakap, tak salah pon you cakap dulu kan. hurmmmmmmm...dah la kita duduk dekat je. susah rasenya kalau nak gaduh gini. our friendship will remain okay. tak kisah la you nak putuskan pon. sedih la. dah lama kenal. dah lama kawan. ingatkan kekal. i miss you :)

rosmahaslin azurainei mustapa ahmad shahir osman  raja nur saraya 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Relationship. huh?

Posted by rosmamustafa at 7:49 AM 0 comments

How to survive a long-distance relationship

Defriend (or unfriend) him on Facebook. If your new guy is leaving for law school, are you planning to check Facebook to see which of his new classmates are friending him? Will you scrutinize what they look like and how many of them are of the opposite sex? Are you going to follow him on Twitter? Stop and think about this: Do you really want all that information? In this case, I say ignorance is bliss. Cut yourself off. Trust him and don’t look. You will start wondering and worrying every time he doesn’t call. And then when he does call, you’ll explode on him and he won’t be ready for it.

Skype, Skype, Skype. Or video chat. I was baffled recently when I met two long-distance couples who do not video chat. They were all young, high-tech people. They acted hesitant about it. But it’s not like you’re talking to strangers on Chat Roulette. You’re talking to your boyfriend! Video chatting is a great invention, so take advantage. You need to connect and make eye contact and read body language. And you don’t even have to be that long distance. I used to Skype a guy in the West Village. It was easier than taking the F train.

Use a Google calendar. I had a long-distance boyfriend who would forget what he was doing the next second, let alone the next weekend. So when I wanted to RSVP us for a birthday party in NYC, it would have been helpful if he had written in the calendar, “Business School Ski Trip, Vermont.” Set up some sort of automated, shared calendar if you can.

Surprise him. Send him a care package or a card, but don’t go overboard, especially if he’s not making similar gestures. Sure, he’s busy studying and you’re bored at your temp job and you want to do nice things and be supportive. But you don’t want to make him your whole focus. This happens so easily. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Really fond. Too fond. Pretty soon you could be living for the weekends, or spring break, or whenever you’ll get to see him next. Also: don’t make a sex tape or anything like what Khloe Kardashian did for husband Lamar while he was on the road. You never know where those things might end up.

Splurge every once in a while. The traveling may become a burden. You cannot take the bus every weekend and arrive in a terrible mood each time you see him. Save up to take a train or fly every once in a while. You don’t want to resent your boyfriend because of the bus and all of the crazies on board. Likewise, if driving your car is taxing, take a train once in a while.

Schedule a State of the Union talk. If your boyfriend is moving for a job or an open-ended assignment, you have no sense of when the long-distance thing will end. And the idea of riding the bus to Boston every other weekend until eternity will upset you more than you realize. You need a potential end date. Take for example Calculus class—you hate it, but you know exactly when it will end (one semester), and that gives you hope. You know there is freedom ahead. When the Prez gives his State of the Union address, he discusses our country’s condition, agenda, and priorities. Consider having a similar talk. Maybe you agree that in six months, you will pow-wow about where you two are and where you’re headed. If he doesn’t know and he’s not willing to talk about it, that’s another thing to think about.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

malu malu malu

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:30 PM 0 comments
currently listening to; hati yang kau sakiti by rossa :)

lupakan lagu tu. sedih gilaa. bout tajuk tuu. ohhhhhhhhhhsss bencinya! pehal rosma ni? dah banyak kali jalan masuk lubang hahahha then tersepak apa ntah, ter'belok' kaki. ya allah. kelmarin, time jalan jalan, aku termasuk dalam lubang. bukan setakat belok kaki but siap terduduk jatuh. huwaaaaaaaaa tebal muke 10 inci. kaloh doh la HEELS. adess cepat cepat bangun and then gelak. efektif dop? padahal ore tengok hahaha and latest, tadi, depan Saleem Aziz. elok elok je jalan keluar and then diri depan kedai tu, and boleh pulak ter'belok' kaki. and serentak lah bunyi keluar dari mulut ehh mak mak mak...MALUNYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sayoo malu malu malu. ore dale S.A tengok, pah ore dale keto depe pon tengok. mak pon gelak hukhukhuk cepat cepat cover peluk tangan mak hahahha ya allah. mate tu lain kali tengok ye bila jalan!

Kolej Mara Kulim

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Hebat tak? hahahha tak pon. lain lah dapat KOLEJ MARA BANTING ;) best nyaaa. tula, dulu time spm main lagi cik rosma ye. now da melepas peluang nak study tempat best gitu. haishhh. bo nyesal. tadop guno des :/ okay, nak pergi ke tak matrik ni? macam tak nak jela. nak upu jugak. asasi uia tolong la tuhanku. bagilah aku 2nd chance nak belajar rajin rajin. dah tak nak main. tak kisah la tak fly, nak uia je uia je uia je SOBSX but now since upu belom tahu and matrik dah tahu, parents sibuk je suruh pergi matriks, aka Kulim. tadi keluar pergi Saleem Aziz beli kain for baju kurung and beli tudung. whatttt? arghhhhh..nok uia maa. ore tok sey la Kulim hehehe tapelah, buat baju awal awal pon okay kan. nanti nak guna jugak. mak macam excited je aku nak pergi :( huwaaaa. ye la tu. tengoklah nanti bila nak balik time pergi hantar, confirm nye nages nages. mak anak same je hehehe banyak nye lagi barang tak prepare hahaha padahal aku tunggu upu and maktab actually. btw, bout Kolej Mara Kulim ni not bad rasenya. dah call senior tanya. and kak yana said, banyak kelebihan ahh..1st, makey free! 2, lima kali sehari makan. hehehe rosma boleh jadi gemok ;p 3, dapat elaun rm100. $$$$ ye ke ni? hope betol laa hihihi 4, dalam satu bilik ade 2 orang je. ala ala kolej laa..but toilet still kat luar bilik. alamak. takut lah nak pergi malam malam kan. if room mate tuh susah nak bangun nanti macam mane ye? and yang penting NGOSEKK dop?! huwaaaa. seram weh. sooooo, okay la what? and Kulim pon maju lah jugak. al hafiz cakap ade pawagam. hello? hahaha tahula KB tade pawagam ye ;p

Tapi kan aku tak risau pasal tu, yang paling risau kos yang dapat nanti. Sains Hayat ke Sains Fizikal. aku memang alah dengan Fizik and Addmath. Bio minat laa. so hopefuly dapat yang Sains Hayat. If dapat Fizikal, aku pengsan dulu kot. Hahahha allah, senangkanlah perjalanan hidupku sebagai student. Ameen

NAUSEA , i hate u :(

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:03 AM 0 comments
  sedihnye semalam. ohh i mean this morning
bout pukul 2 pagi gitu
muntah 4 kali :'(
dah tade energy rasenya
lembik je
da la aku makan time breakfast je
lunch tak makan sebab ngaju tak boleh pergi interview
petang pon tak makan
malam tu bila keluar, ape lagi
nampak je makanan terus beli, even kat tepi jalan
time makan tu bau pelik dah
but redah jela. kebuluran dah ni
rupe rupenya tak bersih
kotor. euww. wekk
basi ke?!!
die masak balik yang semalam ke?
mesti sebab makanan tu da
selama ni aku kurang makan pon
tadelah jadi muntah gitu
teruknya semalam
benci benci
tetibe je rase
macam kilat gitu
muntah kat ruang tamu 2x
lari cepat cepat masuk toilet
sambung, 2x balik
ya allah :/
menangis macam budak kecik
tak tahan dah, terus jerit panggil mak
after rasa dah tahan, makan ubat ape ntah
then masuk bilik
try nak tido but tak lena
rase nak muntah lagi
ambik minyak angin sapu bawah hidung
auww. leganya
lama lama pon tido la
dah tade seksa
but serius badan lembik sangat
hope semua benda mengarut keluar dari badan
jangan lah kena lagi nausea ni
i need someone time tu 
but dia 'tade'
i need my epu too but epu pon tade :(
sometimes, you must be strong lynne
tak payah la nak harapkan orang lain nak care pasal you
sebab dia tak kisah pon. remember that :)
its okay. dah tak nak ingat
so, next time jangan gedik beli makanan tepi jalan
kang kena gini, naye kan


hari kejutan sedunia

Posted by rosmamustafa at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Behind every successful man is a surprised woman

okay, ape kaitan tetibe quote di atas? tade makne ye. sesaje. betol ape :) today, rosmahaslin memang terkejut sangat. DIKEJUTKAN. mengejutkan. 16 April 2010. date lynne akan ingat. hari di mana penuh kejutan. ya allah. hari hari gini memang tak lama, terus masuk USM. dekat dah dengan rumah, senang jela kan. free ape 'berehat' ;p okay, back to the topic. KEJUTAN? siapa tak suka kan. but depends lah. sweet ke pahit? bad ke good? if BAD, no need. go away *syuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh*

pagi buto lagi lynne online sebab nak check result matriks. but somehow jenk pulak homepage. so kita try alternatif lain la kan. and nasib baik simpan mesej someone (okay tak tahu la siapa. tak save no) forward macam mana nak check thru msg. nak tahu?? :)

MOE MAT No IC, send to 15888 

and then kena wait lah kan....dup dap dup dap *debaa la jugok nok tahu mano key* and lepas beberapa minutes; 

Program Matrikulasi 1 Tahun; Sains
Tempat; Kolej Mara Kulim 

erk. kekok je rasa. still tak caye lynne nak start sambung belajar balik. yang lynne ni dah besar! dah nak masuk alam U. okay, im happy! makkkkkkkkkkkkk.....yah dapat Kulim. ala...nak Penang. tapi okay jela Kulim pon. mengade sungguh, maju apa Kulim tu ye :)

after that, offer letter sampai. from kolej swasta mane dah. lupe isk isk. and PPUM. ohh my, permohonan lynne dulu diluluskan. time apply tu memang gopoh gapah. bayangkan lah. tak sampai 4 jam nak tutup. dah la kena buat essay lagi before isi details kejam sungguh. PPUM nak 50 words je tapi lynne tersyok sangat buat sampai 356 words! jeng jeng jeng..thanks to ikhlas hashim, senior kat mesir yang banyak sumbang idea di saat otak jenk gila sebab nervous. ketaa tangan hahahaha at last, berjaya dihantar 4 MINUTES before tutup. fuhhhhhhhhhhhh! peluh peluh busyuk sangat. malam malam peluh sebabnya nervous tak sempat hantar. alhamdulillah. now aku dapat interview. happy la weyy. susah payah apply an. but tetibe mak cakap, tak payah pergi. and i? whatttt? makkk...sapa hati. sedih ore. family yang lain pon tak bagi, uncle tersayang pon. SOBSXXXX sapa hati semua buat gini. susah payah ore mitop. baik tak payah mitop awal awal lagi kan. memang ngaju laa. tarik muncung 10 ekar rasenya, kalah angsa, kalah itik hahaha sooodiiih nye. ore nak rase macam mane pergi interview je :( but mak cakap, tak payah la bazir duit nak pergi hospital UM. kan banyak lagi nak pakai. baiklah. bila fikir balik, memang betol kan. mengade aku nih. okay, fine. *mengalah* just lupakan aku dapat interview PPUM. enof said :)

Jom balik kampung. ooooo balik kampung hati girang =) sebabnya kali ni, lynne drive ye. ahem drive kat highway best siot. hahaha even macam kura kura, ape bawak 60 je laju. semua potong an. betap sumguh hahaha its okay. gila ape bawak laju. kang accident tak nak. nak rasa lagi nikmat Allah bagi :) btw. cite drive ni tak best mana laa. but lucu jugak hehehe time bawak 40 tu, tetibe abah cakap tukar gear 5. and i was....hhhhaaaaaaaa? BLUR gitu. and lynne cakap, gano gear 5 abah? ore tok reti. tak blaja dulu. sapa 4 jah. BAHHAHA ya allah. free free kena marah. apdey muko, buat lagi lawak bodoh gitu. abah pon cakap mano bulih gitu. punoh keto huwaaa >.< okay, abah memang la tak harap kat doter dia yang kecik molek ni. ape? size tak kira ye. asal sampai je. and lynne sampai ye nak pijak hahahaha abah duk tepi. mak kat belakang, buat kepale macam zirafah. tahu tak? ley bayang tak? sebabnye mak duk panjangkan tengkuk tengok kete belakang, tepi. kut kut ade yang nak potong, lebih kurang untuk safety sepanjang lynne bawa. lynne ni nak gelak pon ade. but tak sampai hati. senyum je hehe senyum bahagia sebab at last, dapat gak abah rest kat tepi and lynne leh bawa mak abah balik kampung. i love u

aku bergossip. ya allah. tambah dosa betul. tok sekoo. keciknya dunia. cerita tentang BUDAK KELANTAN ;) but kali ni bukan dengan girl, but gossip dengan guy. how come?! sila jawab sila jawab rakan gossipku BHAHAHA

LOYA LOYA LOYA, uweeeeeeekks. okay je online tetibe mual mual. rush pergi toilet muntah. but keluar sikit je. now rase mual lagi. perut tak best je. kepale pusing pelik. cari panadol tak jumpe. nak gerak mak nyusah pulak. cepat cepat buat sunquick. without gula. just tambah air and sunquick. MASHAM! bila minum rase hilang mual tu. ya allah, ape ade dlaam perut aku ni. aku rase sebab beli makanan tepi jalan tadi. mesti tak bersih. kuman bacteria ape dah aku telan. beci wehh. dah lama tak keracunan makanan. sebab jarang makan luar. so aku tahu ni mesti sebab makanan tadi. tak halal duit! 


Thursday, April 15, 2010

jom balik kampung

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:43 PM 0 comments
rase berdebar debar. esok drive balik kampung
balik rantau panjang
drive kat highway
tak best je rase now. cuakkkkk
ape aku nak takut ye?
P kan da ade, so halal kan
if kau bawak slow pun tape okay

ya allah, kau redhailah perjalanan ku esok
biarlah aku selamat pergi and balik
peliharalah keselamatan aku and parents
hope aku drive dengan selamat esok. amin

malang tidak berbau :(

Posted by rosmamustafa at 4:40 PM 0 comments

sedih sedih sedih! fon nazak now. ni semua gara gara main air kat pantai. elok elok letak atas selipar, boleh tak perasan ombak datang and hanyutkan selipar tu. macam sampan da gamaknye. aku pon apa lagi. alamakkkkkk...cepat cepat aku bangun kejar. mak oii. sayangku, basah dah waaaaaaaaaaaaa now nak charge pon susah nak dengar radio pon tak boleh. sedihnya ya tuhanku. tahu kat mak matilah, nanti mak cakap tak pandai appreciate barang dia bagi. im soory mak. tak sengaje pon. betol, sumpah. hmmmm, i'll fix it. nak pergi hantar baiki senyap senyap la. macam aku buat ic dulu hehe senyap senyap je. till now mak tak tahu ahaha tape, asalkan mak tak susah hati. rase macam nak drive je pergi baiki fon but still takut. tengok esok macam mana drive balik kampung :'(

Fashion for feet!

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:00 AM 0 comments
If you’ve browsed a shoe department lately, you may have noticed that high heels are growing—and not just in popularity. Towering platforms, extreme wedges, and treacherous stilettos have flooded the marketplace in recent months, and most every designer and celebrity seems to be doing their part to participate in the trend. Runways, red carpets, and glossy magazine spreads have all been inundated with the look. Ever the style catalyst, Lady Gaga donned Alexander McQueen’s 12-inch heels in her "Bad Romance" music video after three professional runway models refused to wear them on the runway last fall. This past weekend, even Tina Fey, the queen of nerd chic, strutted out in five-inch pumps to perform her opening monologue on "Saturday Night Live." Clearly, we have a fashion craze on our hands, or, um, feet.
So why the sudden (literal) footwear rise? Experts say the recession is to blame: "We have entered a moment of heightened impracticality in footwear," Elizabeth Semmelhack, author of "Heights of Fashion: A History of the Elevated Shoe" told CNN. "Heel heights noticeably grew during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the oil crisis in the 1970s, and when the dotcom bubble burst in the 2000s." Women's shoes are now at an all-time high, and Semmelhack believes during tough economic times, there's "a greater need for escapism."
However, this escapism isn't without its hazards: "There is never a shortage of high-heeled women in pain in my midtown Manhattan office, but yes, there is an increase lately," says Dr. Jacqueline Sutera, Doctor of Podiatric medicine and surgery and spokesperson for the American Podiatric Medical Association says. Popular Manhattan podiatrist Dr. Rock Positano, Director of the Non-surgical Foot and Ankle Center at the from the Hospital for Special Surgery, agrees, "We are seeing a dramatic increase in problems of this nature that are directly related to abnormal or altered foot and ankle mechanics."
Sutera explains that any shoe with more than a two-inch heel can be dangerous, though certain styles are better than others—like wedges, which are safer because your weight is distributed across a greater surface area. Minimal use is also key: "What I do, and recommend to my patients, is to wear [heels] when I get to my office, or event," says Sutera. "And then wear a commuter shoe to and from [where you're going]."  As for those of us who love to wear a pair of sexy high heels out dancing, Positano strongly advises against it: “I have termed an injury known as the 'Gloria Gaynor fracture,' which is best described as an injury sustained during fast dancing while wearing high heels. The combination of fast dancing, a very high heel, and maybe a libation or two can lead to a potentially dangerous situation."
Women who are overweight, have arthritis, or have high or flat arches, will experience more frequent foot and ankle problems (most common are tendon and muscle strains, hammertoes, bunions, and stress fractures—though long-term high heel wearers could suffer from tendinitis, severe ankle sprains, and torn ligaments and tendons), but many women encounter symptoms after extended high-heel wear. "Pain is your body's way of warning you that something is wrong, you should stop wearing the shoes" says Sutera.
Obviously no one expects that women will stop dressing up in heels altogether, but if you limit the amount of wear time and the heel's height you’re, um, taking a step in the right direction. The doctors we spoke with also recommend: Massaging your feet and rolling them over a golf ball or ice when you take off your shoes at night and gripping a towel and holding your foot up for 15 seconds, three times a day, can also help strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the feet.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:26 PM 0 comments
tempat; Perdana PCB tarikh; 14th April 2010
kenangan bersama ACE's member

thanks for sweet memory!!! the day;

aku, engku, hafiz and syakir tumpang azim MTD :) ingatkan azim datang dengan kereta biasa lah kan but sekali datang....wooooooh! jeep yang orang guna konvoi tu. siap ade siren sekali macho babe hahahha tak penah lagi aku naik jeep. paling kurang pon hilux je. tadi rasa macam betol betol adventure lah. azim drive pon ala ala nak buat orang mati katak sebab terkejut hehehee buat pusing kanan kiri macam nak terbalik 180 degree dah. and si syakir banyak mulut, nyaris nak kena ikat atas jeep je. orang duduk diam dia bising and gedik atas jeep ;p macam macam. bila semua sampai kat pantai, eh eh eh, faizah hebat woo. ahem ahem datang hantar die kejap by jazz, lawa nyo keto tuh ;p but tak lama faizah ade, ala....tape, orang 'sibuk' ;p back to BBQ, kami mulalah susun barang. budak logistik buat khemah and hidupkan api. girls pulak tolong tengok! hahaha tadelah, girls tolong angkat barang and bakar ayam, sosej jugak. aku tolong buat air. air pisang jangan main main BHAHAHA ape lah, air pisang warna hijau. sape punye pilihan lah ni. lucunya barang nak buat air tak cukup, senduk tade. kacau air satu balang besar tu dengan sudu. okay, jangan ragu benda betul ye! :) then sesi membakar, ayam ntah berape ekor but satu besen besar jugak la. makan ke ape. merangos betul sek sek ni hahaha ohh ye, ayam tu kurang sikit rasa 'awah' sebab padil, si superman perap pagi tadi je. its okay kita makan je banyak songeh hehehe best ohh time bakar membakar. aku berebut tengkuk ayam dengan syakir. ape la budak tu. orang cop dah tengkuk, siap bakar lagi but bila masak tu dia makan. jahat jahat ohh! nasib baik lepas tu sek ni tolong cari tengkuk lain. yang besar and panjang punye! BHAHAHA padil, najmi, syafiq and yang lain tak sudah sudah ngenak cakap budak kecik suka makan tengkuk, bia cepat panjang hehehe suka hati lah. tak suka ar isi isi ni. jemu bosan muak doe. by the way, guys gentleman tadi. suruh girls makan dulu ayam then kemas balik dorang yang cepat. bagus bagus! hahaha semua apply ilmu sis marina ajar. tape, korang tak rugi buat, makwe korang tak lari nanti ;) then sesi bermain air and berjemur! waaaahh, dah lama tak melepak kat pantai, last januari lepas. lama lama lama!!! then perangai budak budak dulu datang balik, kejar ombak, tulis nama kat pasir, buat istana pasir but kena runtuh dek ombak, koya koya ambik gambar, tengok laut puas puas, main dengan pelampung ahahaha but satu benda tak boleh buat....hmmmm...sedih.... :( tadi tak bawa pakaian lain, so tak boleh la nak mandi pantai waaaaaaaaa..tak boleh nak buat buat berenang. main air la paling best. lama dah tak mandi kat pantai. best ohh tengok guys main. semua kena lempar dalam air haha habis rosak la handphone jam semua macam itik jumpa air dah hahahha kitorang yang girls ni tumpang tengok jela. time ingat la kak, bawa pakaian if pergi pantai. i will. huhuhu tadi miizan kena tanam hidup hidup hahaha lucu sek sek ni, perangai sengsorang nampak sangat tak matured masa ni. tapelah, before sambung belajar, kita bergalok kejap :) eh lupa, tade bad luck sikit. my phone masuk dalam air waaaaaaaaaa molek dah letak atas selipar, but tetibe ombak besar and hanyutkan selipar sekali phone aku. mak oii, terus kejar la. now still ade pasir dalam phone, slide, susah sikit nak keluarkan then bila kering macam salty kat etmpat charge, so susah nak masuk charge now. waaaaaaa sooodih gila laa. phone baru je, tahu dek mak mati, ampun ampun :/ then final game, TRUTH OR DARE. but aku tak join lah, tak mo, kang kena cakap pape hahaha segan lah but best dengar sesape yang kena tadi and, isk isk, aku pon terbabit. jahat uhh! sapa punye idea babitkan rosma *dush3* fun and akan diingati. time balik engku belanje cornetto, SHOW YOUR LOVE sorang satu. hoorey, yippe! thanks a lot ku. muwah muwahhhhhh ;) soooooooooo thanks semua yang datang tadi even tak ramai but still happening. thanks to miizan, azim, hafiz, syakir, najmi, syafiq, aziz, karmani, lutfi, hamadan, hasif, syahir, iqwal, fadhil, madah, wassim, firdaus, engku, qilah, murni, wani, aifa, sumey, hannan, faizah. i love you all. hope our friendship remain. insya allah. ameen

special thanks to azim; sebab dia baik sangat. tolong ambil and hantar sampai usm. tak payah aku nak tunggu bus. baju seluar penuh pasir, badan pon masin semacam, muke pon merah pink. awful. sangat tak selesa balik naik bus cam gitu, so thnks big bro!

budak budak

Posted by rosmamustafa at 12:31 AM 0 comments
akibat terlalu bosan and sengsorang, tonight buat lain dari yang lain. rasa nak back to be a kid balik. urghhhhh! so, jom kita me-kiutkan- diri ye. untuk jadi cute, lynne buat tocang kat rambut! sesape yang tak tahu tocang macam mana, see the pic! but tidaklah sekiut that girl ;) bahagia ohh. lama tak buat rambut cam gini. hehehe then, untuk isi masa, mula lah download lagu. okay, the old lynne memang tak layan lagu. but now dah lain. bosannye. lagu indon, korea, jepun semua sapu babe. so sesape, please suggest lagu ye. nak dengar lagu. tata =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

belajar memandu

Posted by rosmamustafa at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Duration taken; 25 Dec 2009 - 13 April 2010 !!!

finally, i got my P's licence
lama tunggu after pass that day
over all aku buat 2 minutes for bukit
2 minutes for parking and 1 minute for 3 penjuru
wahhh..parking ku and 3 penjuru hebat!
biarpun breathless! tahan nafas, serius you. cuak sangat
my marks; 18 out of 20 on the road ;)
tak guna isyarat dengan betul
tak guna brek tangan and kaki dengan betul
hehehe okay aku faham kenape 
uncle jpj komen that day, 'kerek' la awok buat isyarat
then aku everytime stop at junction aku angkat brek tangan
padahal no need pon kan. just free gear, NERDY sungguh ;p
its okay. pass lah jugak kan so jangan cakap banyak
to encik shamsuddin, DAX 4133 thanks sangat!
jasamu dikenang ameen :)
back to my P........
bila call tanya cikgu boleh cikgu cakap
benda tu awak kena urus sendiri
sebabnya nak guna cip IC awak 
datang ambik sijil dengan saya nanti
what what what? HELLO
after 4,5 hari baru cakap? ape ni
dulu cikgu jugak pegang sijil saya
ini lah yang jadi bila bayar semua
pengajaran adik adik ye;
jangan bayar habis selagi belum pegang P!
supposed cikgu la datang ambik saya
and we can straight away settle this 
bila semua settle barulah cikgu boleh cakap BYE
ishhhhh..tak boleh jadi. tak aci betul
ada patut suruh aku pergi cari dia kat YP
nonsense. dah la jauh and nak pergi by what?
kereta? no no no P belum dapat ye
then ngadu kat mak...*tanduk* hehehe
alhamdulillah bila mak call cikgu setuju
tu pon hantar kat JPJ je and gimme my certificate
aku buat sendiri from ambik nombor giliran till P
thnks pak cik yang buat P ni tapi kan.........
renyoks lah pak cik! acu bia cantik sikit  hehehe *ngade lagi*
then angkat kaki, balik but cari teksi dulu
why? ahemmmm cikgu tinggalkan ye :/
its okay. aku dah biasa pon guna kenderaan awam ni
at last......dah settle pon frasa aku buat lesen
lama gila kan??? hmmmmm let it be jangan kenang
dapat jugak merasa drive kereta soon. YAHOO!
kawan kawan, here we go. kita akan berderakk
now aku halal di atas jalan raya, welcome!
selamat memandu rosmahaslin azurainei mustapa :)
insya allah aku balas jasa korang yang tumpangkan aku
but first of all, my parents yang akan merasa dulu
nak drive balik kampung..ooooo balik kampung hati girang
kena dapat permission 'JPJ' kat rumah dulu nak drive 

 goodbye my L :) 


come back

Posted by rosmamustafa at 1:32 AM 0 comments
i miss you epu :'/
miss you so much my cat
bosan nye sorang kat rumah ni
please come back to me

p/s; cute and bergaye kucing ni. muahhh

Monday, April 12, 2010


Posted by rosmamustafa at 9:19 PM 0 comments
 Polish president dies in plane crash

WARSAW, Poland – The leader of Poland's government in exile while the nation was under Soviet-backed rule. The shipyard worker whose firing helped ignite the labor uprising that ultimately toppled communism here. A banking head who helped keep the country stable while the rest of the European Union plunged into recession.
When Poland lost its president and top military brass Saturday in a plane crash that killed 96, it also lost much of its living history and other elite members of society.
It is a supreme bitterness that they died near, of all places, Russia's Katyn forest, where thousands of Polish officers were slain by Soviet forces in World War II in an attempt to eliminate some of the country's brightest.
"This is so very much like Katyn, where our head was cut off," former President Lech Walesa said.
Killed with President Lech Kaczynski in the plane crash near Smolensk, western Russia, were his wife, Maria Kaczynska, his closest aides, lawmakers, army commanders, church figures, historic figures, plane crew and relatives of the victims of the 1940 massacre of Polish officers in Katyn and in other places. They had been traveling to Katyn to mark the 70th anniversary.
The Soviet secret police killed thousands of Polish military leaders and intellectuals at Katyn and other places at the start of World War II. It was part of a strategy to subdue the country, whose eastern half it occupied starting in 1939, and better control it.
Among the victims Saturday was a former president in exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski, 90, the last leader of Poland's exiled government in London. The exile leadership was established during the Nazi occupation of Poland and continued to declare itself the rightful government during the decades of communism, until Walesa became Poland's first popularly elected president in 1990.
The crash also took an icon of Poland's Solidarity freedom movement, 80-year-old Anna Walentynowicz. Workers at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk went on strike when Walentynowicz was fired from her job as a crane operator in August 1980 for her opposition activity. That injustice sparked strikes that spread like wildfire to other plants across the nation, giving rise to Solidarity, the movement that helped bring about the demise of communism in Poland nine years later.

Poland also lost one of the architects of its economic stability during the recent global crisis, the head of the National Bank of Poland, Slawomir Skrzypek, 46, a close Kaczynski associate.
Skrzypek's nomination in 2007 was highly criticized because he was perceived as inexperienced and Kaczynski's critics claimed cronyism. Yet his decisions defending the value of the zloty and the bank's security helped Poland emerge as the European Union's only economy to avoid recession amid the global downturn last year.
"It was one of the truly brilliant careers recently in Poland," said political analyst Rafal Chwedoruk from Warsaw University. "He took his positions among heated disputes and he came out victorious. Even his critics were saying under his leadership the bank was playing its role well."
Several of Poland's top military officers were killed in the crash, including the army chief of staff, Gen. Franciszek Gagor, 58; the navy's Vice Admiral Andrzej Karweta, 51; Gen. Andrzej Blasik, 47, from the air force; and the top commander of the ground forces, Gen. Tadeusz Buk, 49.
In Kabul, the American who leads allied forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Gen. David Petraeus, offered his condolences. He was in Poland days earlier to meet with its military leaders.
"Almost everybody who was sitting on the other side of the table at my meeting with the general staff is no longer with us," Petraeus said.
Government spokesman Pawel Gras said the officers' first deputies had taken over and Poland's armed forces and state offices were operating normally despite the devastating losses.
Also killed was Janusz Kochanowski, 69, the state official in charge of protecting citizens' rights. He was often in the news this past winter because he waged a strong rebuke against the government for refusing to provide swine flu vaccines to the public amid a global panic, casting the decision as a violation of basic rights.
Another prominent figure to perish was Janusz Kurtyka, 49, a historian and researcher who headed the state-run National Remembrance Institute that oversees Nazi and communist-era files. Some files document collaboration of public figures with the communist secret police — ace cards that have been used in political infighting in past years. His decisions to let information seep out made him a controversial figure.
Yet "Kochanowski and Kurtyka were men of learning and their death means a great loss to the intellectual life," Chwedoruk said.
"We are dealing with a loss of some of the elite: trained politicians, intellectuals, scholars. There is no measure for that," he said.
Some of Kaczynski's closest advisers, men who studied abroad, were also on board. They include Wladyslaw Stasiak, 44, head of the presidential office; Aleksander Szczyglo, 46, chief of the National Security Office; and advisers Mariusz Handzlik, 44 and Pawel Wypych, 42. They all met Kaczynski at various stages of his political carrer and won his personal trust.
The nation also lost a much-loved first lady, Maria Kaczynska, 66, an economist and translator with a gracious manner who put her career aside to support her husband. She had devoted herself in recent years to charity work.
The tragedy also shocked the Polish community in Chicago, which lost sculptor Wojciech Seweryn in the crash. Seweryn, 70, designed a memorial to the victims of Katyn, in the St. Adalbert cemetery in Niles, Illinois. Seweryn had made the trip to honor his father, who perished at Katyn 70 years before.

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