Tuesday, March 30, 2010

28th march 2010

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:48 AM 0 comments
hamidah daud; i love u 
thanks mak for your hadiah

BADmood attack me

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Dear my mirror ! *okay, mirror tu refer pada MYSELF, rosmahaslin* why mirror?
because it's reflecting me, the one that in front it, not you, people out there. 
this is my blog and i'm free to say what ever i want. ohh yea ;) 

see ?? intro post ini pon dah boleh nampak im not in the mood, saya menjadi 'bekeng'
tak tentu pasal. people wont understand the emotion of a girl actually. kan kan kan???

mirror mirror in my heart; im soooooooooooo sad! ;/ sebab musabab? hmmm..someone hurts me. he/she must be sooooo happy. actually not big deal, yes..not biggie. just 'small incident' happened but maybe i PMS now bhahahaha tuh la kot kenapa jadi sensitive gila now. IDK, IDC. should i just walk away like he/she did? i guess im trying to move on. really? fuhhhhhhh...tak sure pulak. maybe tu the best buat masa ni. ye ke? ohhh no man. killing your doubt is the best way rosma! no more tears okay. be strong little girl ;)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Is He Mr. Right?

Posted by rosmamustafa at 7:58 AM 0 comments
AUWW. i loooooooike this post so much *gedik*. actually online pagi pagi buta ni 
nak update about course then i saw this. oh my my my my my my god ;)

He listens to you
The best way to know if Mr. Next is interested in (and worthyof) being a candidate for Mr. Right? He listens to you. You'll know he's listening when he shows genuine concern, consistently remembers things you've told him (your birthday, favorite food, best friend's name, etc.), and offers emotional support in honest and thoughtful ways.
He connects with you easily
We've all been in those relationships that take W-O-R-K (and suck the life force out of us in the process). When a relationship works on its own, it feels effortless, easy, and fluid. You don't have to force anything, forgive anyone, or turn a blind eye to red flags or gut-twisters. Instead, you communicate and collaborate with comfort, compatibility, and undeniable chemistry. If and when you experience this kind of interaction, you are on to something really special.

He wants the real you
So often, women feel the need to sacrifice some part of themselves to make a relationship work. In the right relationship, there's no need. You don't have to hide, tone down, or apologize for any aspect of you or your fabulous life. With the right partner, you're not only able to be yourself, but you're better able to be the best version of your most authentic self -- no compromises needed.

He's trustworthy
A relationship without trust is doomed from the start. But a relationship with abundant trust? A fabulous foundation for real and lasting love! Built over time, trust is based on the simple belief system that your partner has your best interests at heart and will never intentionally hurt you (and vice versa). If and when you discover that Mr. Next is 100 percent trustworthy, you'll have no trouble giving your heart to him. In return, he'll most likely give you his heart and pave the way for a lasting, loving relationship to unfold.

He enriches your life
In the wrong relationship, your partner tears you to emotional shreds, brings you down, and in general drains your energy. In the right relationship, he enriches your life, inspires you to be your best self, and brings a sense of peace and possibility to you. You'll know Mr. Next is enriching your life if and when he encourages and supports you professionally, personally, and spiritually. And when he does, he may just be Mr. Right!

Does your Mr. Next possess all five qualities? If so, congratulations! You have done your homework, chosen wisely, and are now well positioned for relationship success. 

If not, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back into the dating pool with a clearer understanding of who you want to date. Remember, finding your life partner isn't always easy, but by being clear, honoring yourself, and acting accordingly, you'll cut down on wasted time with Mr. Wrong and Mr. Next, and ultimately make room for Mr. Right.

Dilemma Part 1

Posted by rosmamustafa at 12:43 AM 0 comments
should i start it?
malas gila rasenya
otak pon dah berkarat now ;p
lama tak bukak buku untuk study

ADDMATH & physic
bila seru sampai nak re-study benda aku alergik ni?!
erk. fizik NO NEED. aku benci sangat. addmath jelah yang kena ingat balik

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Be happy please ;)

Posted by rosmamustafa at 4:31 PM 0 comments

5 habits of happy people :)

untuk renungan bersama supaya tidak menjadi manusia yang tamak haloba

Reach out
Engaging with others reminds you that no matter how crappy your day or foul your mood, you're not alone. A superficial interaction like chatting with the mail carrier can make you feel like you belong to a community, but intimate relationships are what keeps us going even when times get tough. Send a text to a college friend telling her you're thinking about her, or call your spouse just to say "I love you."

Be thankful
This is worth repeating again and again. Each of us, if you can believe it, has so much to be thankful for. There are the big things, like a loving family and your health, but then there are a million little things, too. When you adjust your perspective to be grateful for all that you have rather than bemoan all you don't, you start living life in the positives, and the results are immediate. Learn how to create a gratitude practice. 
Live your passions
Even if you spend 8 hours a day at a job that doesn't exactly have you leaping out of bed in the morning, you can still find ways to do the things that make you feel most alive. In fact, you owe it to yourself for your own happiness and well-being. Whether it's making doll house furniture or roller skating, taking part in activities you love gives your life a sense of meaning and pleasure. Be creative about how you're going to work your passions into your day. 
Make do
Instead of turning to shopping malls to buy the thing we hope will suddenly make our life happier and complete, make the most of what you already have. Try "shopping your own closet" and wearing that other 80% of your wardrobe you seldom get to. Or give what you already own some TLC to breathe some new life into it. Maybe your kitchen just needs a good scrub down, not a new refrigerator to feel shiny and new again. Every time you have that impulse to spend, make an effort to make do with what you already have.

Enjoy the simple pleasures
The best things in life, just like the bumper sticker says, often aren't things and they're usually free. Think babies laughing instead of Porsches. Get lost in the way the sun comes through your windows, the vibrant yellow of spring's first daffodils, or a perfect piece of golden toast. Make it a point to bring pleasure into your life and to really savor the delights that are abundant around you already.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

27th march; crazy day

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:22 PM 0 comments
okay. today dipenuhi aktiviti yang sungguh gila and sewel ;p
7.30 syakirah basri sudah menunggu di depan istana
but aku lambat about 10 min 
alamak....sorry :/
then, zuuuuuummmmmmm * kami bergerak ke destinasi *

smk zainab 1
ambik ann, alia and che
che memberanikan diri membawa ketenya
tabik spriiiiiiing che ;p
kenapa? syuhhhhh* senyap suda

went to pengkalan chepa
to say farewell to lavania ap gunasegaran
lava join PLKN to sungai siput, perak
kami bergalok, ketawa sakan
but orang lain semua muka sedih
pok cik mok cik  monyok je
adess, sungguh bersalah rase kan
orang lain sedih kami happy ;p
yelah, kan tak dapat plkn
senyum sampai telinga lah
cuba kena pergi and naik bus tu
confirm akan merah hidung, pipi
eh, buat jahat sekali
ini lah masanya kan kan kan?
bila bus gerak, kitorang pon lambai
sambil buat muka senyum
hehehehe orang dalam bus pon same
gedik gedik gedik!
biarlah. same umur pon kan 
kita patut hantar kawan dengan senyuman
if kita sedih, dia lagi laa
ingat taw!

parking kat che's house
then berlenggang sampai KBMALL
fuhh, kita isi perut dulu
ambo duga doh
bau tempat sampah pon nak muntah
loya tekak kalau perut kosong
then kat KBMALL ini terjadi insiden yang memalukan
ape lah pak cik tu
TOLONG sikit
sesedap mulut dia je ingat kitorang kampung
siap bagi intruction cara nak bayar 
ingat ni first time ke kitorang datang kbmall
ya allah...
pesal aku LAMBAT NAKAP masa tuh
kalau tak, free free je aku wi ceramah
cara nak cam orang kampung datang kb
dengan orang kb sungguh
kirah blur masa tuh hahahaha
che pulak tak perasan. adesssss
memang malang sungguh
bencinya! benci amat okay
time tu ramai lah yang pelik pelik pakai
boleh nampak sangat
sampai kitorang pon dicop sama
mak oiiiii!
masa jalan pon kena jugak
terkejut gila mamat tu tiba tiba bukak pintu kete
adik adik, jomheboh tutup dah
what? sewel ke ape. haha
*actually aku kaget, takut kena kidnapped*
sorry tak lucu pon
dah la panas ceng ceng 
so jangan buat lawak bodoh ye

27th March 2010
JOMHEBOH di Kelantan
Stadium Sultan Muhammad IV
with beloved friends. LOVE ;)

iqram dinzly. fauziah gous. fizo omar. kamal adli. ery putra. annahita bakavoli. tomok. maria tunku sabri

Crying Heart

Posted by rosmamustafa at 7:49 PM 0 comments
 MOOD; jiwang jiwang yang teramat. wekk

 Is your heart crying out in sadness? YES, sometimes love hurts. At moments like this, I wish I have the words to let him know exactly what's eating me anddd......I wish that someone would say something inspirational and comforting to nurse my grieving heart :'(. Nevermind, at least i found some quotes that can rebuild my confidence in love.

 Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.

 Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.

I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. 

You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all he's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone,
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he'd want: 
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

calm down babeh!

Posted by rosmamustafa at 8:11 PM 0 comments


bersyukur padaMU

Posted by rosmamustafa at 6:51 PM 0 comments
akhirnya 3 keping sijil forum aku dah ditemui
lega sangat sangat!
berbaloi kemas bilik and rumah once again
tak harap pon jumpe
but masa kemas still doa jumpe lah kan
if not, memang useless usaha membusykan diri join
dah lah masa nak spm dah
kelas banyak tinggal
subjek critical tak sempat kejar
tengok lah apa jadi dengan my result
its okay...
tak guna nyesal
tak baik mengeluh 
luckily, i found my beloved cert
takut gilaa bila pikir hilang sijil 
nanti nak mintak kerja or what mesti nak yang ori kan
ape aku nak cakap?
hilang? tercicir?
confirm aku akan direject  punya
and dicop individu yang cuai!
nasib baik semua dah back to normal
thanks GOD

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

malu ke lucu?!

Posted by rosmamustafa at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Okay, as i mentioned aku ade nilai 23 march
bukit yang disangka kandas jadi pulak
parking okay je sebab aku dah biasa ngan viva
so bila guna kancil makin senang lah kan
3 penjuru pon still okay
on the road aku macam gopoh sikit
til cg cakap awak ni pompuan
buat lah gaya pompuan drive
hahahaha mentang mentang aku pakai jeans
and beg galas semalam, cop aku tomboy ;)
tape, next time aku akan buat slow sikit
biar perlahan, asal ayu! hahahaha

ohh yea......semua beres part yang nilai tu
tp kannnnnnnn....akibat terlalu nervous
aku macam nerd gilaa! hak3
masa nak buat first 5 steps tu kan
aku tekan laa benda yang nak ejaskan seat
and know what!!! aku tekan booooooooooonet rupanya
ya allah.....aku terbiasa dengan viva 
if viva, memang situlah tempat ejas seat
so dengan muke tebalnye, aku keluar and p tutup bonet
* waaaaaaaaaaa, malu sangat *
then aku still tak nampak benda ejas tu
aku pon selamba rocknye keluar
and pergi tanya p.cik kat kaunter tuh
mane tempat ejas seat kuang3
malunye ya allah....
macam orang bodoh je rase hahha
padahal kat umah aku ada kancil sangat 
malunye ya allah..luckily semua okay pastu ;/

Monday, March 22, 2010

malu ke tak malu?

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:39 PM 0 comments
pliss, harap harap esok tade insiden memalukan
nak pass semuanye. risau lahhhh
paling risau bukit ahh
banyak yang tak jadi masa buat
viva turun balik kah3
buat malu dek orang jekk!
hope kancilku esok semua okay
janganlah ada yang susah clutch ke

LUCK; comes to me babeh!


Posted by rosmamustafa at 1:22 AM 0 comments
21 March 2010
memang lah hari menambah lemak
lemak tepu di badan pon tak hilang lagi !
today breakfast tak sempat
pagi buta lagi dah terpacak kat zs
ambik sijil tamat sekolah & sijil pmr pon ade
well, orang lain ayu mayu berkurung
aku???? hmm its okayyy
jeans pon jadi lah ye
asalkan sopan suda kan
no need hipokrit sangat ;)

then, rush to karisma. meeting meeting
but nasib baik pergi dengan zainabians jugak
tumpang kereta siti farah. time kasih mak cik :)
then about 1 plus, pergi parkson jap
with aishah si lawa hehee 
singgah bakery dalam giant
beli donat yang ade chocs on top
okay. done with giant
bila nak kua pulak, singgah bakery pulak
muhibah rasanya if tak silap
kat sini nafsu tak boleh tahan dah
ssooooodap je nampak cakes, muffin, etc
then aku pob beli lah;
strawberry cheesecake
muffin 2
lutut pizza 
so totally, ada 4 benda yang memang berkolestrol aku makan
tonnes of fats yang masuk perut today
agak agak naiklah berat 1 kilo ;p
hahaha bajet je
td pon drive kete sejam berpeluh
tak paham la asal sweating je kat yakin pandu tu
panas sumguhhhhh la

but teacher nani asked me, how's your weight..
i was.......err, 40 teacher
&&& then, okay..i was double you and minus 2
isk teacher ni, dey lagi buat lawak
its okay lah. teacher lawa lahh

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ohh NO

Posted by rosmamustafa at 3:21 PM 0 comments
tidak tidak tidak mungkin berlaku
saya tak percaya
mana boleh macam tu okay
selasa ni baru aku nak nilai
and u know what
cik li cakap tengah bulan may baru nak test
cik li suruh aku sambung belajar dulu
and bila cuti semester baru test
ape kes hah?
IDC, ikot lah macam mana pon
before start belajar aku nak test jugak
so sesape yang ade cable kat jpj
nak ejas biar test in april or awal may
before pergi matriks or u
tak nak lah tunggu lama gilaa baru test
kang lupa pulak
mana tahu masa tuh ade aktiviti lain
tak kan lah nak 'baaaaru' je lesen every 3 months
but takde buat pape
simpan dalam purse jek
baik tak payah ade kan? betol tak?
ohh abe jpj ko kak jpj; TOLONG laa. nak test jugok!
mood; rasa tak puas hati sungguh loni

whats wrong?

Posted by rosmamustafa at 12:30 AM 0 comments
best bila happy, bahagia kan? but if sebaliknya? hmmm..tadi tengok alif firdaus, best episode so far. thumbs up untuk episode tadi. aku suka sangat sebab banyak mesej yang aku dapat. well, cara nak dealing with someone. hahaha kecek belit po keling nahh..malas lah nak susun ayat cantik cantik. tak perlu langsung. pehal aku rasa sedih ehh? kekadang aku fikir, why benda yang aku sayang boleh buat aku sedih? so, thats mean aku tak boleh sayang benda tu. senang cite, toksah sayang semua lebih dari aku sayang diri aku kan. okay? ye ke? allah & nabi muhammad saw and parents should be our priority actually. hehehehe ape yang aku bebelkan hah? IDK. wuhaaaaaaaa unstable emotion kot now. sebab bosan sangat duduk umah sengsorang. bestnya dapat g holiday ;/

ohh lupa. aku now sesi menghabiskan lesen kereta cepat cepat. kang tak sempat test before start belajar. pelik kan aku buat lesen lama lama. hahahaha tu lahh pasal! adess. malas gilaa nak ngadap muke cik li tuh. dah la membebel kalah orang pompuan. da la ajar aku kejap je. ade ke patut sekali aku g yakin pandu dia ajar 30 minit je. hampehh !! kena minta orang lain ajar jela senang. kawan semua dapat lesen dah. hukhukhuk jealous lahh jugak kan. tapelah, sabar sabar sabar rosma. esok kena g lagi. bosan nye. dah la sengsorang kat sana. confirm aku tertidur sebab lama sangat tunggu hehe *sukeeee la tidur kat yakin* malu gilaa. nak sorok muke mana ntah la. papepon, aku kena habiskan lesen ni cepat cepat and tolong laaaaa jangan hujan! now dekat KB sokmo huje. tak best lah. sejuk aje. nak mandi pon berkira pagi pagi. eh eh eh. aku mandi pagi okay. tolonng sikit hahaha hmmmm...hopefuly aku akan happy selalu. ameen ;)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Great Programme

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:44 PM 0 comments

adik adik memang hebat lah. pandai bertarannum, berpidato. well, baik lah program macam gini daripada AF, MENTOR, GANG STARZ kan. hopefuly nanti besar adik janganlah sia sia kan bakat yang ade tu yerps. btw, congrats to adik yang dari kelantan. sebabnya adik tu kategori special, IDK penyakit dia but kind of SD lah. plus dia rabun. kecian kan. but still, semangat die waja and jitu, masuk jugak this competition..bagus adik. jangan putus asa. finally, he got 2nd prize. okay sangat sangat tu adik. kakak, as kelantanese proud with you adik. my parents pon ikot tengok. and mak sampai nanges bila tengok part yang sedih ahahahahha jarang gilaa nak tengok mak layan program tv. btw, the winner tu dapat kat budak seremban, Wajih. ohhhh! lagi lagi seremban. sekolah terbaik spm pon seremban. sains seremban aka SASER, NAMAMU TERATAS! bak kate someone tu. phewwwit * hahahhahaha okay lah, korang hebat. congratttttts yerps ;)

ikan ohh ikan

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:26 PM 0 comments
nyummmmmmmmmmm !!!!!
tengah syok makan nasi lahh ini
biasa makan 1 senduk je
but kali ni extra 2 senduk lagi
huhaaaaaaaa! sodapnye mak masak
alang alang gemok, biarkan ahh
nanti start belajar, confirm aku tak cukup makan
masa tuh kurus kot
*bajet kurus* BHAHAHAHHA
btw, gonna miss your cooking mom!
* enak meratah ikan asam pedas yang mak buat*
okay, emak saya yang buat ye
kang cakap bajet pandai masak pulak
tak reti lah asam pedas ;)

tiba tiba......
maaaaaaa! maaaaaaaa! maaaaaa!
*sambil pegang leher & batuk batuk*

tolong. aku tercekik tulang ikan! adess. memang critical lah masa tuh. bout 5 minutes tulang tu stuck & tak nak keluar dari tekak aku. secepat kilat lah aku tuang air, terus minum kan. but still tak jadi. then aku rush kat sinki, jolok jari dalam tekak * uhuk uhuk uhhhhukkkk* but still tak keluar. my mom pon tepuk tepuk kat belakang sambil selawat ke baca surah ape ntah. aku??? waaaaaaaaaa. nangis tak berlagu lahh. tik tak tik tak airmata bercucuran di pipi. wuhaa, gramatis gila ayat. okay okay. aku memang nangis paroks lah. tulang tu pon satu, pe sal ko tak nak keluar weyy. kecian aku terbatuk batuk. termuntah muntah gitu. ade gaya pregnant dah jadinya. adooooooohaiii. after 5 minutes tu, barulah okay. alhamdulilah! *sambil kesat airmata* ;/

ps; makan tu berpada pada lah ye even sesodap mana pon makanan tu & baca doa! aku tak baca doa rupanya. patut rakus, tamak haloba jek. aduhaiiiiii

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ekspo Jom Masuk UITM

Posted by rosmamustafa at 9:49 PM 0 comments
17th March 2010
happy happy happy! 

ps; bukan sebab uitm sangat lah kott. hee

Seminar Perunding Unit Amanah

Posted by rosmamustafa at 9:15 PM 0 comments

tarikh; 16 march 2010
tempat; PCB resort, kelantan
penganjur; PKINK
badan; Public Mutual Berhad
History ; 
start pada 1959 oleh Malaya Unit Trust Ltd
ada 39 SPUA & 559 dana
pertumbuhan sebanyak 248% dalam Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB)
peratus berkembang berbanding dengan Bursa Malaysia sebanyak 20.58%

Gempak tak tajuk kat atas tu? confirm gempak, hebat kan kan kan. faham ke fakta di atas? but apelah maknanya bagi teen yang umur 17 tahun plus plus ni. baru je setahun jagung! pak cik mak cik pon belum tentu faham maksud unit amanah kan, ini lagikan budak belasan tahun. hmmmmmmmph! meh nak story mory kejap ye. okay, actually yang ajak aku join this course ahmad shahir osman, bestie merangkap ttm ku yang tersayang heeee well, orang yang anjur ini adalah badan kerajaan PKINK. but dont ask me whats PKINK. i dont know, tak sempat tanya & malas. hehehe actually course ini dibuat bagi bussinessman & bussinesswoman sekalian, but atas dasar menimba ilmu di luar bidang & mencari pengalaman menghadiri seminar berkaitan perniagaan, okay aku ikot aje. punya lah pakai baju kurung pergi. yelah, ingatkan macam formal gitu, pelik doe aku tetiba pakai jeans tshirt kan..but........tup tap tup tap....bila sampai........eh kejap, aku dengan shahir pergi dengan sorang uncle  yang baik hati ini. uncle tu lah datang ambik kitorang berdua. tempat seminar tuh punya lah di hujung kawasan, huhuhu PCB Resort yerps. kembali kepada tadi, okay..pakai kurung lahh kan, sampai sampai kat sana aku sorang je budak yang pakai kurung! hempeeehhh mak datok..yang lain semua jeans gitu, i mean ade 8 budak semua yang pergi & aku sorang je budak perempuan yang pakai kurung la weyy...yang lain semua mak cik. kawan aku pulak cakap, ayunya rosma. kurung nah hahahahhahha* berguling aku suka dalam hati, mengayim tuh heehehe lol. aku mana tahu. ingatkan formal lahh sangat kan hahaha 

okay, after register, aku masuk dewan macam biasa ahh & tiba tiba my fren ajak duduk paling depan! fuuulamak, biar betol budak ni, if seminar biology ke chemistry ke boleh lah, ini pasal pelaburan...ntah dio bobey gapoo laa nati. *bersedia tadoh telinga dehh* aku pon, okay jelan. ingatkan BEST kan..by the wat, semua sesi ade 4 & one hour per session. yups! 4 hours ceramah about pelaburan you know!!! its about public bank punye anak syarikat iaitu public mutual berhad. okay, dlam 1 jam awal aku boleh tahan lagi...catat pape yang patot *even aku pon sendiri blur haha* & telinga masih mendengar! but then masuk jam ke 2.....hmmmmm...okay okay *nodding my head* & my eyes pon slowly tertutup sambil kepala tersengguk sengguk! hehehehehe tadaaa!! best ape ceramah tuh. membuat diriku terulit sama hahaha kecian kat puan yang bla bla bla bla bla tuh. maaf puan, sila abaikan saya even saya confirm puan mesti notice saya tersengguk haha then.....kringgggggggg! masa minum pagi. yes yes yes! hahaha *mata kembali segar bugar* so keluar lunch. nyummmmmmmmmm sodapnye makanan. hahhahaha serius aku terliur, perot ni dah la tak breakfast tadi..sian sama kamuuu..tape, sy kasi isi bia penuh yeps! hahaha tadela, ambik 1 senduk sudaa..ambik banyak kang tak habis, membazir lahh..ingat, tamak sifat syaitan taw! after makn solat, sambung sesi petang pulak. mak atokkkkkkk! 2 jam pulak dah sesi membebel pasal pelaburan. as usual, aku catat lagi mula mula...sehelai kertas apa yang tuan tu cakap, semua aku catat. bagos kan! a good listener ngehs* hahaha but macam tadi, masuk jam ke 2...puuuuuuuuu puuuuuuu puuuuuuuuuuuuuu *aku tersengguk sengguk & makin obvious nampak till shahe mesej pesan jangan tido!! heeee sorry ibu ibu bapak bapak. aku memang kena top up tidur lah gamaknye...& masuk 30 min last tu, tuan tuh buat 1 aktiviti yang buat mata aku segar ;) jeng jeng jenggggggggggggggggg...hahahahaha kami kena buat 3 list impian but kena specific & cakap kat partner impian tu semua.

okay, 1. aku harap dapat masuk uia & ambik asasi sains hayat & soon, jadi doctor esp doktor pakar jantung or mata. bila aku kaya, aku nak bukak klinik haiwan...aku nak bayar rawatan kucing yang terbiar 2. aku nak hantar parents aku pegi haji...kalau boleh, before mereka tinggalkan aku di dunia ini. harapnye, dapatlah aku tunaikan rukun iman mereka dengan duit titik peluh aku sendiri 3. aku nak kahwin! hahahaha aku nak ada hubby yang cukup semua benda sikit sikit, tadelah perfect sebab mana ada manusia macam gitu kan, just first tu beriman lah, biar dia dapat bimbing aku dunia akhirat & anak anak yang soleh solehah. ops..dalam 5 je paling ramai hahahaha * bobey koksey doh laa* cukup sudaa impian aku 3 tu, so sesi beritahu partner! hahaha excited tiba tiba..malu actually but pompuan jugak, buat dek jelahh hahaha okayy..then, sesi bagi sijil & makan makan....balik lah! eh eh, stop...actually kawan ajak berkayak...tapi........hmmmmmm, aku pakai kurung mak!!! uwaaaaaaaa tok ley naik lahh. sedih wehh..korang paham tak nape tak ley?? sebabnye kan...life jacket tu ada tali kena ikat dari bawah *teeet* then klik kat dada, so if pakai kurung terselak pulak. heeeeeee *toksah, malu wehh* aku pon balik lah dengan shaher. dalam hati nak main padahal, tak puas lagi main time kex's camp :/

jomm. aku share tips yang aku belajar ye kawan kwan. sesiapa berminat, tolong baca ;) :) =)

Kebaikan Unit Amanah
1. pengekalan nilai
2. kumpul kekayaan
3. pendedahan pelaburan
4. pengurusan profesional 
5. mampu dimiliki
6. kepelbagaian
7. kos pelaburan rendah

Faktor yang perlu dipertimbang dalam pelaburan
1. matlamat
2. jangkaan kadar pulangan
3. risiko

Sebab Alokasi Aset
1. beri ketenangan minda
2. dapat hasil hampir tepat
3. kepelbagaian akan kurangkan risiko
4. tidak pernah dapat jangka keadaan yang akan berlaku

where did you go dear?

Posted by rosmamustafa at 6:03 AM 0 comments
i rindu u
i sayang u
sayang sangt okeyy!
di mana kau wahai sijil forum pengguna aku ni?
please, jangan la menyorok time cam gini

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The reason

Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:53 PM 0 comments
kau ilham ku

Beribu bintang dilangit
Kini menghilang
Meraba aku dalam kelam
Rembulan mengambang
Kini makin suram
Pudar ilhamku tanpa arah

Sedetik wajahmu muncul
Dalam diam
Ada kerdipan ada sinar
Itukah bintang atau rembulan
Terima kasih kuucapkan

Izinkan kumencuri bayangan wajahmu
Izinkan ku mencuri khayalan denganmu
Maafkanlah oh...
Andai lagu ini
Mengganggu ruangan hidupmu
Kau senyumlah oh...
Sekadar memori
Kita di arena ini
Kau ilhamku
Kau ilhamku...

aku gila nyanyi lagu ini now
ada sentimental value lah
everyday, 3 / 4 kali !
miss u sis marina
sebak je nyanyi lagu ini

alhamdulilah.thnks Allah

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Syukur ke hadrat ilahi
sesungguhnya Dia ada plan untuk kita semua
mungkin kita tak nampak & tercari cari 'plan' itu
 percayalah, semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya & bersebab
today hari di mana aku, calon spm 2009 terima result
well u know, memang nervous tu tahap cipan la
semua jenis rasa bercampur habis
stomach ache, rasa nak demam, kaki mengigil
tangan sejuk macam ais, muka pucat macam mayat
tiba tiba air mata rasa murah sangat
senang je mangalir. auwwww!
before tahu result, cg huzaimi sempat lagi ngenak
cakap aku dapat B for BM
mak oiii! sampai hati cg..menangis terus aku
hello, BM if tak dapat A memang mati ahhhhhhh
cg ni..orang serius die gurau. aduhaii
then dalam 12 lebih baru cg umum result
dup dap dup dap dup dapdup dap
aku tarik nafas dalam dalam
ready to face the truth man
 pahit ke manis aku tak tahu kan
& thennnnnnnn................
fuhh, rasa macam nak berguling naik stage 
yups, aku first person yang naik stage ambik result
gembira, bersyukur, lega semua ada
but a bit sebokkk..yes!!
amat sebok actually i didnt get straight a's
ohh mak..maaf sangat
tak kisah pon perasaan aku 
yang penting result aku tuh happykan my parents
im the only one in my family
anak tunggal
so faham lah kenapa kan aku sebok sangat?!
after that, call mak...
mak, yah dapat 7A je. maaf tak dapat penuh
mak pon cakap...
ehh okay ape 7 tuh. syukur tahu
tak baik cakap macam tu
then 2 beranak ni terus menangis
but aku tahu mak menangis happy kan??
ya allah..terima kasih untuk kebahagiaan ini
at least Kau beri aku peluang untuk bahagiakan ibu bapa ku
semoga pada masa hadapan aku boleh banggakan mak ayah aku lagi
by the way, untuk kawan yang dapat result biasa macam aku..
i mean my result yang tak gempak langsung ini
be strong guys! this is not the end okay
gagal today bukan gagal selamanya, kita pasti akan bangkit!
ingatlah, kita sebagai manusia memang akan diuji ilahi
even Nabi Muhammad, kekasih ilahi pun diuji
malah lebih hebat dari kita kan
tapi nabi tetap sabar & berserah kepada ilahi
nabi jarang mengeluh atau merungut
same goes to me......
aku sedih sangat but i have to understand
allah have a plan for me
plan for you guys too okay
do remember that!
so janganlah kita ketepikan ilahi dalam hidup ini
sebab kita amat memerlukan Dia untuk men-guide kita 
melalui hidup yang berliku
ups and downs in future that we dont know
aku benci menangis, but selalu aku menangis. benci!!!

dear hati; be strong & keep the faith. ameen

Big Day

Posted by rosmamustafa at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Is it true?
Lmbatnya masa merangkak..
nak tunggu pagi je perut ni rasa sebu dah
gajah, semut, rama rama & all kind of animals ada!
& before my mom pergi kerja tadi..
sempat salam and tanya
mak, if dapat rendah gano
* tik tak tik tak air mata jatuh*
whuuuuuuu sedih gila lah
pagi pagi buta nangis
mandi pon belum
gosok gigi apatah lagi ;X
then my mom cakap...
dapat result nanti terus inform
im sorry mak. soorrryy
yah akan kecewakan mak
ya allah, tak nak benda tu jadi
1 hour an 30 min masa nak g school
after balik ni, semua akan berubah
hopefuly yang lebih baik. ameen

11 march 2010

Posted by rosmamustafa at 1:05 AM 0 comments
DATE yang amaaaaat SPECIAL !!
that conclude everything...
as secondary school's student ;)
*gedebak gedebuk hati ini*

ya allah, do give me a miracle. ameen
by the way...rosmahaslin ingin pesan;
but dont ask me bout mine

for short, 10.03.10 >>>> last day of kex. so sesi nanges mesti lah ada. love u all esp ace's members & paling penting sis marina and fam. sweet semua ;)

PS; gedebak gedebuk yang teramat buat saya malas nak tulis panjang okay. sila paham

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

2 days to go

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:38 PM 0 comments

السلام عليكم 
meh nak story cerita today
kitorang belajar etiqutte & grooming
then ada lah gentleman quality & lady gentle
belajar cara makan kat hotel lah
btw, esok last day dah for kex
& sure thing, sesi menangis! huhuhu
i need tissues. come on!
mestilah sedih kan..
siapa hati batu tak nangis? bluerk*
gonna mis sis marina & fam
then of course, the FAMILY in kex
ukhwah yang terjalin dalam 2 bulan ini sweet sangat
ace's members, thnks for accepting me as new student

alamak!!! lusa pon sesi nangis jugak! LOL
kenape? hello! lusa result kan dah tahu
jeng jeng jeng.....!!! ;/

Monday, March 08, 2010


Posted by rosmamustafa at 11:46 PM 0 comments
kenapa lah aku nervous sangat?
nervous sampai tension
tension sampai buat aku letih sangat!
rileks la babe
CHILL?! no way
tak ada dalam kamus rosma now
* sambil dengar lagu kuat kuat  *


Believe it or NOT

Posted by rosmamustafa at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Lately memang mood nak update blog sangat sangat lah sedikit..
my life okay je KOT
nothing special
but 7hb was memorable day ;)
syhhh! my secret..
tak nak share dengan sape sape. teet >.<
well, kex dah nak habis pon
dah tade rutin menunggu bus 
& tercari cari cab
dah jarang la after this nak lalu kat jaafar rawas
makan kat thai restaurant
ambik gambar kat medo
jalan jalan habiskan mase kat parkson
menikmati nasi ulam! chewwah
exercise jalan kaki sampai pelangi mall!
buat buat cam tourist gitu hehehhe
& paling tak akan lupe....
sengih kat pak cik bus & cab mase bayar tambang! haha

hmmm..semakin mase berlalu
semakin aku tahu aku ni sukalah sangat menegur orang
ehhh, for sure orang aku kenal ah
say no to strangers okay!
kang ko kena kidnap..
wah. siapa nak jawab?!
2 days ado, aku jumpe parents sarah kat usm
pagi tadi pulak nampak umi danial...
hmmm, takut nak tegur, sebab tak pernah jumpe
kang silap orang.tp rase cam betol dah his mom
selepas diconfirmkan, yups! aku betol! 
yeippe..pandai aku teka hehehe
at least aku tak sombong lah
jalan tak tengok orang kan
& tadi jugak kan...
aku tegur sorang pak cik ni
ehh, tak keje pak cik?
pak cik tu pon jawab..
keje lahh..& tunjuk prebet sapu dia
u all tahu kan prebet sapuu?! haha
ya allah..aku boleh tertuka pak cik cab dengan driver bus
for sure that pak cik ade kat usm, cab die cab usm
kuang kuang kuang! ini lah jadinye.......
kalau korang kerap sangat guna perkhidmatan awam
korang gatal mulut nak tegur orang yang korang always jumpe
lain kali make sure siapa yang korang nak tegur tu lah ye ;)

result dah nak keluar okay
hati berdebar debar tahap cipan ah
rase oxygenated blood tak cukup je dalam body
adrenaline pon dah jadi tak betol
dup dap dup dap dup dap
mase busy okay la boleh gak rileks
tak ada lah nak pikir sangat
but bila malam muncul......
jeng jeng jeng.......!!!
start lah fikir benda yang mengarut ngarut
nervous sampai kebas kaki!
percaya tak? tak kan? kan? kan?
well, ikot lah..yang penting aku rasa
if korang tak rasa, i dont care
so now cara nk tenangkan diri amat penting
zikir lah banyak banyak ye
aku pon tak tahu sama ada HAPPY / SAD ending nanti
just hopefuly, 11hb march can be one of my best day in life
usaha 5 tahun kat school akan ditentukan by this thursday
hmmm..orang cakap spm penentu segalanya
but sis marina told me..
its not everything
yeah, if u didnt get well in spm its kinda embrassing
but think positive!!! you all boleh bangun ape after tersungkur
even OKU's person did well in their life
sorry, bukan nak menghina...
but try tengok spirit dorang nak berjaya
they are soooooo great man!
fight back for your life, your future
if you jatuh sekali, jangan selamanya jatuh
& janganlah terlalu merungut kepada allah maha esa
Dia ada perancangan untuk kita semua
Allah tak akan menguji hambanya dengan sesuatu yang orang tu tak boleh hadapi
sebab tu banyakkan bersabar..
ingat kuasa allah maha hebat!
allah akan tolong hambanye yang sabar
mungkin today kita gagal..
mana tahu esok lusa kita berjaya
hmmm..meh nak share 1 benda
to give you & me too a HOPE
hope to continue our life after we fail
hope that we will get some spirit through the story


siapa punye service better?
of course MAS 

yang mana tiket affordable?

hmm..so we can see baik buruknye kan
MAS diketuai oleh orang yang high class
smart person. very very smart
but AA diketuai oleh someone yang his academic not so good
i mean, compared to MAS's persons
AA's leader only got 9G in physic!
& he was just a musician..
he didnt even has any experience in this field
but he's using his mind...
& be creative!
he did the promotions..
yups..lots of promotion to get the customers
finally, MAS also did the promotion
& had to lower their fares
because they also want to compete with AA
see? the high class's person also have to follow others
thats mean, if you cemerlang on papers ONLY you cannot compete in this world
you have to learn nak 'TAKCLE' people okay
morale of the story, it is obvious that if u didnt get flying colours in spm
you akan gagal for the rest in your life
yes you will get better place & course in university 
but can the 'papers' you get make sure that you also get good job?
not really...nowadays kan ada interview...
your boss tak akan tengok certificate je
they want a worker that can communicate with people..

ahemm...hebat gila cara aku cakap kan? *wink*
i dont know..now aku tak rasa confident langsung 
habuk pon tak rasa......
so aku just prepare for the worst
but i hope for the best ya allah
do give me a miracle...

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